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Account Executive

Date Posted —

Type of Work:
Full Time
Hours per Week:

Job Description

Description Overview:
The Account Executive’s primary role is to ensure the growth of our consulting services through new client acquisition and ongoing project management. The Account Executive will conduct themselves consistent with the professional image of PCS Consultants and maintain sales initiatives while seeing through the successful completion of active projects.

Business Description:
PCS Consultants provides premier HR & Safety Compliance services to small and mid-sized businesses that desire to maximize employee performance. Our firm understands that minimizing your company’s liability moves your business ahead.

Product Description:
PCS Consultants offers onsite and on-call HR & Safety support, training, productivity software, employment Posters, employer handbooks, and more. Our products are designed to increase employee productivity while ensuring that your company has complied with local, state, and federal regulations.

Primary Duties:
1. Ensure successful sales campaign for PCS Consultants products and consulting service sales.
2. Manage/Grow/Maximize utilization of Marketing hub & CRM system “Databox”.
3. Follow up on qualified leads, recertifications, and lead generation efforts to meet sales goals.
4. Successfully manage projects from start to finish. Oversee tasks, client correspondence, establish delivery of projects in a timely manner, and more.
5. Generate proposals & follow up on them.
6. Work with the team to meet a common sales goal
7. Attend sales and team meetings, Sales reporting, and report on them.

Commission Opportunity:
* Account Executive must have successfully completed a 30-day introductory period to be eligible.
* Commissions will be paid for actual self-generated and lead-generated sales at a specified percentage according to meeting the minimum sales requirement and sales initiatives established.

Note: Commission opportunity is subject to change and review at the end of each period ending. Management will advise each Account Executive of any changes to Commission Opportunity by the 5th of each month for the new period.


Company: The Buyer Warehouse
Name: Jonnah V
