Date Posted —

Type of Work:
Full Time
Hours per Week:

Job Description

Do you know that person? Are you that person?

Here is why you don’t want the job… I’m crazy! Like completely crazy and I have a million ideas in my head all the time. Usually I filter them before talking to people but if you work with me as my assistant you will see it all. And that will scare and intimidate most people I’m sure. It can be overwhelming.

I am not the most organized person in the world but more organized than some. This means I need you to take care of the details for me so I can work on the BIG things! Here is an example, we were recently in India and I got a call from our PM that our power was off. That’s random… well, apparently I forgot to pay the power bill and they turned it off. It’s the little things that get missed with me, quite a bit these days.

I move very fast and grow quickly as well, so I need someone who can keep up with me and grow along with me. Someone who wants to push themselves to get better all the time along with me. If you want to stay stagnant and not grow, this is not for you!

I have multiple properties and dozens of other little projects. Yup,… so you will need to wear different hats to help me with everything I do. This is not a one calendar, one email account, 10 people in the company kind of job. And remember all those ideas I talked about in the beginning, those are all just future companies and growth. Opportunity is everywhere and I’m practicing saying no right now but your job will be to help me be able to say yes when the right opportunity comes around.

I take Extreme Ownership of the things in my world and you will need to as well. That means everything is my fault in my world, and everything is your fault in yours. Taking responsibility for our actions, even the things we didn’t do is key around here, so there will be no pointing the finger to others or things we can’t control.

I have been a physician for 12 years. That means I am pretty blunt and to the point a lot of times, like structure and discipline, and leadership is really important to me (up the chain of command too). So you will need to lead me as well!

I don’t know what I’m doing as a CEO. I really don’t, this isn’t a job where the CEO has any idea what you should be doing so I will need you to onboard me to your system, not vice versa. It’s not a sit at your desk all day and wait for the phone to ring kind of job. You will need to anticipate my needs and adjust / adapt regularly to how things are working or not working. Be very creative and design the role as we work together.

I work well with people in person, you have to convince me how you will be ideal for a virtual position.
Lastly, I’m not very good at saying thank you. I appreciate you and so many other people around me all the time but those conversations seem to always go on in my head only, I think I had them with my team / staff / family / friends but didn’t, and then I go on to the next thing. So, if you need regular / consistent / frequent / attention and pats on the back you will need to tell me to do it. And I will tell you how much I appreciate you but I’ll also be honest. I will also focus mostly on what we can fix and what is going wrong more than what is going right. For most, that can be pretty hard to deal with I know! But this is an honest post…

If you are still reading this I’m impressed. You either know me and are reading because you want to see if I keep beating myself up OR… you may actually be interested in this job. Well, here is why you SHOULD want to work with me.

I like to WIN! And I like to take care of my people and grow / develop them into rockstars! I save the lives of kids, build real estate businesses, coach doctors and nurses and always grow to be better. If you can help me grow and make more money, open other businesses, make a bigger impact, etc… I will reward you handsomely.

So, if you are still here and want to throw your hat in the ring for this position or know the perfect person for me… just respond with
Your core values
Why are they looking for a job change and not interested in last job
Give a character test DISC
Send me a message with a few sentences on why you would like this position.
Change the subject line to “I Want to Work for You [Insert Biggest Crossfit gym in North America] for a General VA”

Some tasks required would be-
Organizing real estate files
Calling people for marketing and sales
Making my calendar
Working online on various repetitive tasks to help grow our business
Collaborating with other VAs

There will be a short skype/zoom call between us and video will be required

This is 90 day trial work. How this works- first 90 days will be part time. 30 days we will train you and get feedback. Next 30 days we will work together and supervise your work. Next 30 days you will be working with autonomy. If we can fit together after 90 days, we will start a FT position.


Company: Customers 2U Now
Name: Ayush Gupta
