Home » Biology/Science (Environment science) Tutor

Biology/Science (Environment science) Tutor

Date Posted —

Type of Work:
3.50 Per hour
Hours per Week:

Job Description

Hello I am looking for someone who can help me with doing my assignments

Please whatsapp 656.777.1313

Welcome to Environmental Science!

This job is perfect for College Students, Professors/Teachers, Experienced in this subject as a 2nd source of income to supplement your main income

Summary of the class

Environmental Science ———–12-week session———— Spring 2024

Course Description: Arguably the most important topic of the
21st century! This course integrates basic concepts of geology,
biology, chemistry and climate to understand resources,
ecosystems, population and pollution.

General Info———————————————————————————–
Textbook: Environmental Science, 15th edition, G. Tyler Miller
Scott E. Spoolman, Cengage Learning, 2015 (ISBN 978-
Additional Materials: Access to computer and internet.
Student Learning Outcomes: You
will be able to
1. identify basic earth and environmental science
terms and explain their relationship to the study of
ecosystems as measured by objective quizzes and
2. analyze different types of abiotic and biotic
environmental factors through the application of
scientific principles as demonstrated through your
answers to pertinent assignment questions.

3. evaluate broad ideas in environmental science to interpret the dynamics within
ecosystems as measured by discussion participation.

Semester Schedule Info———————————————————————-
Week Topic
1. Feb 26 – Mar 1 Chap 1-Environmental Issues and Chap 17-Sustainable living
2. Mar 1 – Mar 8 Chap 2-Science concepts, matter and energy cycling
3. Mar 8 – Mar 15 Chap 3-Ecosystems, carbon and water cycles
4. Mar 15 – Mar 22 Chap 4-Evolution, niches and adaptation

5. Mar 22 – Apr 5 Chap 7-Local biodiversity & Chap 5-Community ecology
6. Apr 5 – Apr 12 Chap 6-Human carrying capacity
7. Apr 12 – Apr 19 Chap 14-Risk assessment and analysis
8. Apr 19 – Apr 26 Chap 10-Soil and food production & Chap 11-Water resources
9. Apr 26 – May 3 Chap 12-Environmental geology & mineral resources
10. May 3 – May 10 Chap 15-Air pollution, climate change & ozone depletion
11. May 10 – May 17 Chap 16-Solid waste and air/water pollution
12. May 17 – May 24 Chap 13-Fossil fuels, alternative energy, and the future
Quizzes will be short answer format.
Quiz 1 – Chapters 1, 2, 3, & 17 Mar 14
Quiz 2 – Chapters 4, 5, 6 & 7 Apr 11
Quiz 3 – Chapters 10, 11, 12 & 14 May 2
Quiz 4 – Chapters 13, 15 & 16 May 21

Final exam: Date: May 23, Thursday. Multiple
choice and T/F format. Extra Credit.

You will have over a 24 hour period to access each quiz and the final exam. Once
you have started, you will need to complete each assessment in the time allotted: 45
minutes for quizzes and 1 and 1/2 hours to complete the final exam. Make sure you
have given yourself enough time before the close of any task in CANVAS. Don’t wait
until the last minutes to get started!

CANVAS Info———————————————————————————
There are specific areas where course content will be exchanged:

Announcements: Find notices from the instructor regarding class (not a place for
messages to the instructor or other students).
Modules: Here you will find links to course “lectures”, class topics and tasks, quizzes
and study guides.

Assignments: Written assignments will be found here, including reviewing the
Syllabus (this document) within the first assignment.
Quizzes: The final exam will be found here.
Discussions: You must directly answer (reply to) each weekly topic question(s), and
also reply to at least two peers within their discussion threads to contribute fully
to each discussion.
Computer Access:
All on-line work can be completed via your home personal computer. However, as
a student of Mendocino College, there are numerous computers on campus
available for your use, as well as wireless hot spots around campus to which you
can connect.

Course Content Info————————————————————————–
This course is not self-paced. Everyone must keep up with the same weekly topics
and tasks.

There are both on-line and self-study components. Class topics will
be covered through textbook readings, essay assignments, and the
on-line class discussion board. You will perform independent
research which will be summarized in written reports. Ability to use
the computer and work within the CANVAS course management
system is required. All URLs referenced within assignments and
discussions have been tested and accessed via a DELL PC running
the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Assignments will be available with well-over a week period to work on each. No late
assignments will be accepted. Words should be your own, and full bibliographic
information should always be given for references utilized. Points will be lost for
inadequate or missing bibliographic information. No credit will be given for tasks
that include simply rewritten portions from the text or other reference. Mendocino
College Administrative Procedure 5500.2 dealing with academic honesty guidelines
makes clear plagiarism will not be tolerated.

When seeking appropriate reference material, realize that there is a difference
between a “news” item (article in the news media) versus a “research-based” item
(article published in a scientific, peer-reviewed journal). Also, there are “web blog”
style references (someone’s personal opinion) and “encyclopedia” (basic facts,
definitions and descriptions) type information, both of which are very different from
news or scientific journal articles. Assignments normally require either a news item
or a research-based article as an appropriate reference. Pseudo-science and sites
that do not present accurate, corroborated news are not appropriate.

Please note: Always cite your sources with full bibliographic information including
title, author, publisher, date and complete/direct web URL. Citation of a reference
does not allow you to quote verbatim. Reference materials are to be used for your
information, and then summaries – in your own words – are to be turned in.

Class Discussions:
Class will meet in the “Discussions” area throughout the semester to discuss
pertinent topics. If topics change, or to focus on something specific, an
announcement (in “Announcements”) will be posted to notify all students.

For each discussion topic, you should address the topic question
and respond to at least two other students for a minimum of 3
postings per discussion. See CANVAS for exact open and close
times for each assignment and discussion.

Discussion grading: 10 points possible for each topic based on quality and quantity
of postings. “Quality” includes early participation (first half of week) and checking

back in to reply to any questions on your posts. “Quality” also includes depth-of-
thought and proofreading. Simple answers may not be given full credit, when more

depth of thought is required to address the assigned topic. Basic grading rubric is:
Main post and 2 peer responses before due 9-10
Main post and 1 peer response before due 7-8
All contributions in last 12 hours of open week 7 (maximum)
Main post only 6 (maximum)
Response(s) only less than or equal to 5

Reduced points in any category for poor quality posts (off-topic, off-color,
incomplete, etc.)
Although some topics might be controversial, no discussion comments should be
nasty, crude or hurtful. Watch for my input. If people are going off track or
something needs clarification, I will pop in with a contribution.

No late discussion postings will be accepted. Extenuating
circumstances for late assignments or quizzes considered
on a case-by-case basis.

General guidelines on assignments and individual work:
Remember, citation of a reference does not allow you to
quote verbatim. Reference materials are to be used for your information, and then
summaries – in your own words – are to be turned in. Always cite your sources
with full bibliographic information including title, author, publisher, date and
complete/direct web URL. Points will be lost for inadequate or missing citation.

You must be able to make clear statements from your personal perspective, and
must be able to put into your own words the specific discussions/answers. No credit
will be given to any assignments from two or more students that show clear
duplication. In addition, no credit will be given for assignments that include simply

rewritten portions from the text or other reference, or is the product of an AI-
generated process.

Your responsibilities include

Responding to Client in a timely Manner
Communicating with Client if you cant do the work
Not using AI or any cheating methods
Completing work on time by a strict deadline
Doing research
Completing my biology environment class on my behalf

I am far behind in my work so
If you are interested in helping me please email


Company: Finstep
Name: Keem
