Hi there,
We need a ClickUp consultant to help us evaluate ClickUp, and then migrate us.
We are a digital agency and we have been using Basecamp and Harvest for close to 10 years.
As we grow, I feel that we are outgrowing Basecamp for project management. Some of the issues are:
– No way to predict our work, or forecast team availability.
– I don’t know when I can tell new clients that we can start their project. I’m guessing!
– We need to see what time we budgeted versus what time was spent on a project. And it would be great if that was visible to the team, not just managers.
– We need better ways to understand if we are over/under budget, and to see our profitability.
– Can the automations feature in ClickUp help us improve our execution and streamline our operations.
I realize that switching the software that we use to run our entire business will not be easy. I’m interested in hiring an expert who can help us with that migration and get us up to speed as quickly as possible.
How would you approach a project like that for us?
I imagine that this will take some time for the initial set up, then evaluation and testing. Then there’s the migration and training. After we go live, we would need some follow up and support.
You will need to see an example of how we are currently using Basecamp and Harvest, so I put together a video overview of that here:
We definitely want to keep using Harvest for our timekeeping and invoicing. I saw that there is a ClickUp integration for that. It will need to be tested.
We are in the U.S. Central time zone (-6 UTC). So you must be able to work late in your timezone, so that you can have real-time interaction or calls with us during our mornings. I don’t know how much of this project can be done via text/chat. But I assume that we’ll need to spend some time on Zoom looking at ClickUp and testing things together.
My perfect scenario is to find one of you that has done a similar project for a digital agency – someone like us. If you have an understanding of digital marketing company operations, please highlight that experience in your application. The bulk of our work is:
– Digital marketing campaigns
– Managing Pay Per Click and other online advertising
– Website development
– Content marketing, email marketing, etc.
I would love to hear how you would structure that project and what you would charge for it. In my thinking, there are two major phases, and then several smaller ones under each:
1. Discovery and Evaluation – we need to figure out if ClickUp is really the right fit for us.
2. Implementation – once we make the decision to move forward, what does that look like to migrate clients/data/projects. Train the team. And then some periodic check-in calls for accountability, to make sure that we’re using the system properly. Also to take feedback and alter the setup once my folks have questions or suggestions about it.
The successful completion of this project will mean that we are completely switched over to Clickup (or not). Since this that mean this project will have some “end date,” we’re interested in either part-time/hourly work or a project-based fee.
Send an email through the OLJ platform with the subject line:
Click up – {your name} – {today’s date}
In the body of the email, please tell me:
1. How would you approach the project and structure the deliverables? For example, how many weeks/months do you estimate it would take, and what are the phases?
2. How would you charge for that project, based on the milestones or phases you listed above?
3. Knowing this decision is crucial to our business: what previous projects or jobs have you worked on that you can illustrate, showing success in a similar situation?
4. What questions do you have for me? Or what additional information would you need to put a full scope/estimate together?
I look forward to hearing from you!
– James
Company: Valeo Digital
Name: James Hutto