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Dispositions Specialist

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Type of Work:
Full Time
Hours per Week:

Job Description

Job duties: Selling or assigning company properties/contracts to buyers as well as building and managing relationships with new buyers.

Position Focus: Finding buyers for properties and negotiating profitable sales.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) & Expectations:

Dispositions Specialist shall use its best efforts to find, manage and close deals with investment property buyers. They must network with and negotiate to get contracts signed to drive company revenue. Dispositions Specialist shall also provide reasonable effort to Company in promotional activities such as live training events, webinar training, Meetups, and other activities related to meeting investors. They shall report weekly to Company concerning business activities and performance. Rep will devote adequate time and effort to perform its obligations.


1. They shall get along with other employees, and be respectful to any and all employees, clients or vendors. They shall be a shining example for the Company in all interactions with other employees and clients. They must be excited and enthusiastic about her job and surroundings.
2. They must make best efforts to meet Company’s revenue goals by various means including but not limited to, meeting new buyers, managing relationships with existing buyers, marketing properties for sale and negotiating profitable sales.
3. They must meet important deadlines requested by the Company at all costs.
4. They must give a 15-day notice to the Company prior to request for time off.
5. Suggested work hours are from 9am to 6pm Monday – Friday. They may work Saturdays and evenings if they so choose. They shall show up on time for work unless they’re at a company appointment or their manager approved a change to their work schedule.
6. They must attend mandatory daily sales meetings as instructed


Build and Manage the Buyers list

Meet new buyers and collect/store contact info in the company database.
Qualify buyers by defining their “buy box” criteria, funding source and timeframes in which they plan to purchase.
Keep quality notes and information in the company software systems.

Market and Sell Properties/Contracts

Ensure all Company deals have a high level of marketing exposure.
Respond to buyer inquiries and handle open houses if applicable.
Collect and negotiate offers to create profitable deals.
Manage terms of each sale contract (i.e. inspection, earnest money, etc)
Help track all sale data in the company software systems.

Provide Feedback to improve Marketing and Acquisitions

Stay up to date on types of props, locations & prices desirable to buyers.
Help marketing team tweak criteria to bring in better deals.
Communicate with the Acquisitions team to help them understand what pricing will be profitable when they are working to contract properties.



Company: MediaJel
Name: Rianna Teh
