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English/Theater Tutor

Date Posted —

Type of Work:
Part Time
Hours per Week:

Job Description

Hello, I need to hire someone who is either a Teacher or, College Student to help with completing work.

Example assignment

Theater class:
Submit your play critique here! (Remember: you are watching a live, full-length play, musical, or film based off a play or musical.)

2 pages. Double-spaced. PDF is preferred (no Google Docs, please)
Include where the production took place (theatre, date & mention director, actors, designers, details of note…)
You can focus on whichever aspect of the show interests you most, just be sure to support your opinions.
Do your best to keep it to 2 FULL PAGES; anything greatly under or over that amount will be deducted.
Remember to consider the critical criteria questions:

1) What was the production attempting to do?
2) Was the production successful?
3) Was the effort worthwhile?

*Live shows that do not count would be standup comedy, dance shows, short plays, sketches, high school/college productions

Play Critique Rubric
Play Critique Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCriticial Criteria
This will be about one page of your two page critique.
20 pts
Full Marks
A thorough, well-supported answer to the critical criteria questions.
10 pts
Some Marks
Some of the questions answered but not all or not all opinions supported.
0 pts
No Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeActing/Production Criticism
This will be your choice; to specifically critique one aspect of the production reviewed in class: acting, writing, directing, costumes/makeup, light/sound, OR set design.

This will approximately be one page of your two page critique.
20 pts
Full Marks
A thorough, well-supported criticism of your chosen aspect of production.
10 pts
Some Marks
Some criticism of the chosen aspect, but either not supported or not thorough.
0 pts
No Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling and Grammar
10 pts
Full Marks
No errors.
5 pts
Some Marks
Some errors in spelling and/or grammar.
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Total Points: 50

English class:
Pojman Mini-Paper
Background for this assignment:
The aim of this “mini-paper” is to prepare you for the larger term paper you
will write for this course. Similar to the term paper, this paper asks you to
write a persuasive paper in which you state and argue for view on an issue.
The Issue:
Statistical evidence is not conclusive as to whether the death penalty deters
would-be murderers and saves lives. However, Louis Pojman in his article “A
Defense of the Death Penalty”, presents (what he calls) a “commonsense
argument for the death penalty’s deterrent effect. Specifically, he argues
(P1) People fear death more than they do any other humane
(P2) The death penalty is a humane punishment.
(P3) The death penalty puts people to death.
(P4) People will fear the death penalty more than any other humane
(P5) What people fear more will have a greater deterrent effect on
(C) The death penalty will have a greater deterrent effect than any
other humane punishment
The Assignment:
Write a 2-3 page double-spaced paper in which you argue whether this
argument is cogent. Does it persuasively argue that the death penalty will
have a greater deterrent effect than any other humane punishment? Why or
why not?
Below are some issues you might address in your paper. These are just
some ideas; you need not address all of them.
? Whether it is true that people fear death more than they do any other
? Whether the death penalty is indeed a humane punishment
? Whether it is true that what people fear more will have a greater
deterrent effect on them
? Whether the logic/reasoning of this argument is strong

If you are interested please skype me live:.7db24cc0d15183


Company: Rainmaker Family LLC
Name: Kee
