We are looking to hire a part time project manager / head of people to work with our incredible team who create marketing websites for startups.
This role requires great communication skills, with strong organisation and high levels of empathy. You will have a lot of responsibility and work closely with the founder (Stephen Wise)
The role:
Part-time with flexible working hours (this role is 4 hours per day, 5 days per week with the option for a full time role in future)
Long-term role with consistent salary paid every 2 weeks
The opportunity to work with a talented fast growing team working with some of the best companies in the world.
The ability to organise projects and manage designers + developers to ensure work is completed on time.
Be comfortable talking to clients, providing updates and answers any questions
Great written and spoken english
Ability to use project management software (we use clickup and slack for communication)
Nice to have:
Good knowledge of SOPs and documentation.
Good knowledge of web design and development
The hiring process:
The only applications we will consider require 2 things:
1) To record a short 2 minute loom video explaining why you’re the right fit for this role
2) To share your portfolio / resume
If your application meets our standards here is the process we follow to hire.
Successful application ? Call with founder ? Stable part-time job with the option for future growth
I want to emphasize that our focus is to work with talented people long term. The only thing we are looking at in this process is your ability to do the work. We focus on hiring people who want to be the best and let you do your thing.
If you are interested in joining our team please submit this form with your application.
Name: Stephen Wise