This is the one of the easiest jobs you will ever have and although we are charging $1/h for 2 hours per day, we only need you for about 30 minutes a day.
This means, most days as of right now, you’ll be paid $1/0.5 or $2/h and therefore $4/day for 30 minutes of work.
We are seeking a dedicated, reliable, and meticulous Personal Accountability Virtual Assistant to oversee daily personal and professional tasks for our CEO, who is keen on personal growth and development. The primary role is to ensure the CEO stays on track with their daily routines and tasks. This includes ensuring adherence to a morning wake-up routine, verifying gym visits, and confirming the completion of daily tasks on Asana for work. The assistant will receive daily digital proofs (images, task updates, etc.) of each task’s completion and have access to CEOs Mac Mini computer via TeamViewer in which if certain tasks aren’t complete,
Key Responsibilities:
– Monitor daily activities based on provided schedule and instructions
– Verify proofs of task completion, including time-stamped and geolocated images
– Confirm completion of professional tasks through Asana project management tool
– As required, access the CEO’s Mac mini to implement “punishments” if tasks aren’t completed, such as locking the CEO’s phone for a predetermined amount of time
– Provide daily reports on task completion and discrepancies
Qualifications (very simple):
– Know how to follow simple instructions
– A computer that can install TeamViewer
– Passionate and actually cares about helping me achieve my goals
Note: This job description reflects the general level and nature of the job. It is not intended to be all-inclusive. Other duties and responsibilities may be assigned, as required. The company reserves the right to amend or change this job description to meet the needs of its business.
Company: Woofles
Name: Josh Andrews