We are in need of a Personal Assistant starting part time work with potential to be full time. If you are only looking for part time work, please do not apply. We need the ideal PA to make sure that Mr. Flesser (your boss to be) is in sync with his schedule whether it be inside company matters or his personal schedule. His schedule is different every week and you must be able to organize his schedule based on his agenda and remind him items on his agenda and make him productive.
– An extremely organized person. Mr. Flesser does not like any project management application and it is your job to use whatever means you have to keep track of his agenda and organize it for him.
– Someone with good Time Management and has no problem with working EST. You will start out as part time but as time goes on, more tasks will be added to your bucket. The schedule is flexible as long as he can reach you when he needs you.
– We want a smart person who can pick up things fast and match with his pace.
– Mr. Flesser will often give out details that are important in a meeting but not emphasized when he is hyper focused so the ideal PA should also be sensible enough to discern those important details and confirm with him after.
– Should be strong-willed and pushy and not afraid to harass him of his To-Dos if necessary. Most importantly if they are of high priority.
– Good knowledge of computer and office applications.
– A good writer or at least must be creative enough to write out emails in a professional manner that doesn’t sound too monotonous and obviously AI.
– Honest and with strong Integrity.
If you feel like you fit everything in the list, write “Boy by the Sea” in your subject line and send a 1-minute voice recording of you answering this question: “How would you handle a situation where you are given 3 tasks to complete ASAP and all of them are a priority?”
Happy Job hunting!
Company: Blackwater Associates, Inc.
Name: Daniel Flesser