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Type of Work:
Full Time
Starting from 22,000 PHP
Hours per Week:

Job Description

Yes, it’s unorthodox, but… Who do you know who–is the perfect fit for this role?

>> You are a go-getter and excited about life. You are vibrant, confident and love a challenge. You believe the world is already beautiful, and we are all here to shine brightly and serve in a way that brings you joy.

You are passionate about natural health, and you want to be a part of improving access and affordability to effective, integrative health care and fertility treatment.

You have bright ideas about messaging outreach, and you want to see them implemented.

You are self-motivated and results-oriented and need very little hand-holding to make things happen.

We are looking for you.

An awesome (social and mainstream) media outreach person.

To succeed in this role, you need to:

Be well spoken;
Write well (including an effective press release);
Excel in building rapport and relationships quickly;
Strategize and follow through with implementation of agreed outcomes;
Be technology savvy;
Have a start-up mindset and be a perpetual student of life.

You don’t need formal qualifications to thrive in this role, but you must demonstrate that you have the key elements to succeed in this full-time position.

We are a team that wants to change medicine – /. We are already on our way, and it’s still a long journey. However, we believe that we can progress faster with the right person in this role.


If we wanted to to thrawl through resumes, emails and cover letters, this ad would look very different, and we would tell you how to apply…. BUT we will leave the how to you because your application is your opportunity to demonstrate how you will get your job done when you are hired.

So instead, here’s what we’ll recommend… Have fun with it, and show us everything we need to see to know YOU are exactly who we are looking for. We are excited to meet you.


Company: Yugorithm Global Services
Name: Lady Montes
