We are seeking a Real Estate Administrator at The Buyer Warehouse! We are looking for an enthusiastic, energized, strong English comprehension, creativeness, and critical thinker to speak with our sellers, set appointments, and able to help with administrative work with Company Owners. The ideal candidate will be organized, focused, on-time, and efficient.
Responsibilities can include but are not limited to:
*Work directly with Managers/Admins of the Company
*Handle Phone Calls
*Operating Multiple Systems per day
*Deliver tasks at the end of the day
*Ability to Compose Professional Emails
Our Qualifications include
*Having Noise Cancellation Headphones
*Working Web camera for all our meetings
*Having reliable internet
*Quiet Work Environment
If you have made it this far, we work from 9AM to 6:30PM Eastern Standard Time. Everyone is entitled to a one hour break from 12PM to 1PM. The days we work are from Monday through Friday. We are also looking for someone who able to understand our needs and able to communicate since you will be working side by side with Clients. We are not requiring any Real Estate Experience, but we are asking for someone to have the ability to learn the material as given. Do not apply if you’re already employed somewhere else. We use Skype for all communication purposes. Please follow the Application Instructions below. *If you do not follow it, your application will not be considered*
Application process:
1) Include Voice Recording, Resume, Internet Speed Screenshot ()
2) Where are you currently located in the Philippines?
3) Do you have all of your Tangibles 100% in order?? (Please be Honest)
4) Do you have any Real Estate experience?
5) Are you all right with this position being full-time and understand the hours behind it?
6) You are aware of this being a START ASAP position?
7) Why are you interested in this position?
8) Why should we move forward with you?
Company: The Buyer Warehouse
Name: Erica Mondragon