Home » Script Writer (Youtube)

Script Writer (Youtube)

Date Posted —

Type of Work:
Full Time
Hours per Week:

Job Description

About Viral Vault Studios:

Viral Vault Studios is a digital content creating company focusing on producing educational and
entertaining videos for YouTube. The company’s purpose is to make online learning fun!

Script Writer Role:

I am looking for a talented English writer who can create scripts for YouTube videos.

These scripts are to be 1,800 to 2,000 words in length allowing for the creation of 10-minute
YouTube videos. These scripts are to be well researched, include examples / stories and
incorporate the keys to YouTube script writing success shown at the end of this job description.
Use of paraphrasing softwares such as ChatGPT are permitted provided that the scripts created
are transformed into original works and are of the highest quality.
Starting pay for this position is $250 USD per month with the opportunity to move up in the
future. This is a full-time role. The expectation is that two 2,000 word scripts will be completed
each day (4 hours per script).

Script topics will relate to the various YouTube channels we run which are “Ace The Interview”,
“Kountin Koins” and “Savor The World”.

To apply, please attach a sample script of 500 words to demonstrate your script writing ability.
Your test topic will be related to our “Ace The Interview” YouTube channel. The script topic is
“How to apply for a job”. The title of the video will be “How to win an interview when applying to

– 7 Years of Writing experience
– 3 Years of YouTube experience
– Write 500 words on topic of “how to apply to a job” and submit the link of the file along with your application.
– Please include the word “Viral” in your response so I know you read this far

The Script Writer will be expected to do the following:
1. Know Your Audience:
Understand your target audience and tailor your content to their interests and

2. Define Your Purpose:
Clearly define the purpose of your video. What do you want your audience to
take away from it? Whether it’s to entertain, educate, or inspire, having a clear
goal will guide your script.

3. Create a Strong Hook:
Capture your audience’s attention in the first few seconds. Pose a compelling
question, share an interesting fact, or present a gripping scenario to draw
viewers in.

4. Organize Your Content:

Structure your script with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Introduce the topic,
provide details in the middle, and conclude with a strong closing statement or call
to action.

5. Use a Conversational Tone:

Write in a conversational style to make your script more relatable and engaging.
Avoid overly formal language unless it suits your content.

6. Keep It Concise:

Attention spans on the internet are short. Aim for brevity and get to the point.
Eliminate unnecessary details and filler content.

7. Visualize Your Script:

Consider how visuals will complement your script. Plan for B-roll footage,
graphics, or other visuals that enhance your message. Break up long
monologues with engaging visuals.

8. Include a Call to Action (CTA):

Encourage your viewers to take a specific action, such as liking the video,
subscribing to your channel, or visiting your website. Make your CTA clear and
9. Add Personality:

Inject your personality into the script. Whether you’re funny, serious, or
informative, let your unique voice shine through. Authenticity can help build a
connection with your audience.

10. Practice and Revise:

Practice reading your script aloud to ensure it flows naturally. Revise and edit as
needed to improve clarity and coherence. Get feedback from others if possible.

11. Optimize for SEO:

Use relevant keywords in your script to improve searchability. Include keywords
naturally, without sacrificing the quality of your content.

12. Engage with Your Viewers:

Encourage viewer engagement by asking questions, prompting comments, or
conducting polls. Foster a sense of community around your content.


Company: Viral Vault Studios
Name: Joel Michaud
