We are looking for a part time social media poster and research partner for our online real estate brand. All of our posts are video with us and some text that needs to be hand typed into each native social media app.
Pay: $7/hour
Hours: 2 hours/day
Days: 5 days a week (Must work Monday and Thursday other days can be chosen)
This job is only for part-time only with bonuses and potential for longer hours in the future. English speaking levels must be high in order to complete this jobs tasks
Description: You will be taking our TikTok posts and reposting them to Instagram and YouTube. You will have to copy the text exactly from TikTok and use the native text in Instagram and YouTube Shorts. Will train on exactly how to do this and would ideally want someone who can independently do their own research to help bring new ideas, titles, and topics. Knowledge on posting on Instagram and YouTube is a huge bonus.
Skill/System Requirements (If you do not have experience with these, please do not apply)
Posting on Instagram (Reels & Video)
Posting on YouTube Shorts (Long Form and Short Form)
Google sheets
*You can work whatever time during the day 5 days a week with exception to meeting times.
*Flexible Vacation, if you need time off you can let me know 2 weeks in advance and we will have a plan to make sure our posts are scheduled ahead of time
*You will earn 10% of our ad revenue from all platforms (currently we earn $30/m on YouTube, which means you will earn a $3 bonus your very first month, but has huge potential because we do not post there at all right now, at one point we were making over $200 when posting only 3 videos a month).
About Me:
I am a real estate agent and am obsessed with helping the average person become a homeowner. I want to provide honest work and great pay to anyone that works with me.
To Apply for the job:
1. Change the subject line to “I Can Work Part-Time With You [Insert my name]”
2. At the top of your message write 2 or 3 sentences on why you would like this position, and why you are a good fit. Do not write more than that or else your application will be deleted.
3. Under that put the following
1. Your Instagram Profile if you have one (not required)
2. A link to 1-3 social media pages (preferably with a lot of video) you have managed in the past. If you have not managed any please put N/A
Make sure to follow all the steps above. I will not interview any candidate who does not follow instructions. This is a great job opportunity with the ability to grow your current monthly bonus and raises, so we will only look at applicants that follow directions and really want the job. If I decide to interview you there will be a short skype/zoom call and 2 small tasks that will help determine if you are fit for the job.
Reminder: Do not do more than what is asked of you above, if you do more than what is asked for above I will ignore your job post.
Thank you,
Company: Ascend SEO Marketing
Name: Cosmo Morabbi