Home » Social Media Manager / Writer / Designer / Researcher

Social Media Manager / Writer / Designer / Researcher

Date Posted —

Type of Work:
Full Time
$800 USD / month
Hours per Week:

Job Description

Multi-brand company looking for long-term full-time dedicated Social Media Manager / Writer / Researcher to join small startup team (2 of us so far) to help across 3 related companies in the horse industry. Example of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly duties listed below.


This job will be a combination of customer engagement, research, writing, and graphic design.


COMPANY #1: Horse Trail & Horse Camp Directory

Initial Job Responsibilities
Help to design brand style + social media templates

Horse Camp Research & Writing
Pick a horse camp from our website
Find horse camp listing that is not fully filled in
Research horse camp selected
Lookup horse camp website, social pages, etc
Read information about that horse camp
Get relevant photos from social pages (where possible)

Update our website with horse camp information
Use website CMS to update horse camp profile on our website
Upload photos to horse camp page

Write blog article about horse camp
For each horse camp researched and updated, write 500-1000 word blog post about the horse camp
Use targeted SEO keywords throughout article and in headlines
Post blog article to website via website CMS

Create social media post to promote horse camp blog article
Create graphic to be used with post
Write post content, include hashtags, include link to article
Post blog article to social pages
Schedule post via Meta Business Manager to post to pages, groups

Social Media Management
Social media planning
Select horse trails, horse camps, quotes, and other items to feature on social media for each month

Social media post creation
Select photos or create graphics for each post
Write post content
Determine best hashtags
Include relevant link to website

Social media post scheduling
Setup posts and scheduling for posting on Facebook/Meta Business Manager

Social media comment engagement
Review previous posts for comments
Like/engage with comments as needed
Screen for negative comments, hide/delete where appropriate

1 Horse camp research + writing
1 Social media post
Social media comment engagement

10 Most Popular Horse Camps This Week
Use Google Analytics to determine most popular horse camps for the previous week
Review each horse camp’s page on website to ensure it’s fully filled in
Research horse camps and update their pages on the website, if needed
Write blog article with 2-3 sentences for each of the 10 popular horse camps
Post blog article to website
Create social media post to promote article (graphic/image, post text), include hashtags, link to article on website
Setup social media post in Meta Business Manager, schedule to post on a Thursday or Friday of each week
Boost post with designated budget


COMPANY #2: Horse Saddle E-Commerce Site + Social Media

This is a new company to us and we need help building up its social media presence, followers, and keeping customers engaged and loyal to our brand.

Initial Responsibilities
Create brand style + social templates
Determine best content to publish, test post types, and optimize

Social post to Facebook page + Instagram page
Rotate between product feature, educational, entertainment, inspirational
Design social post graphics
Write social post content
Schedule posts using Meta Business Manager

Write blog article and post to website
Rotate between product feature, educational, and cross-promoting our other brands via the blog
Create post to promote blog article
Design graphics
Write post content, including hashtags and link to blog article
Schedule post using Meta Business Manager

COMPANY #3: Online Horse Riding Competition

Members join to compete against other horse riders around the world and win prizes and giveaways. Members ride their own horses and accumulate mileage by tracking rides with GPS and recording them over the course of a year – the rider with the most miles wins the main prize.

We purchased this company several months ago and are going to re-work the rules and increase the number of competitions that riders can participate in. We need help running these competitions and engaging with members online.

Like posts and engage with members in Brand’s Facebook Group
Share photos from Facebook Group to Brand’s Facebook page and encourage followers to signup for membership
Assist members with technical support requests (create tasks, assign to website team)

Download GPX files (for use at Company #1)
Review all ride GPX files / maps posted by members to website
Download GPX files for rides that were on public land (will teach how)
Upload them to the Company #1 website

Audit all rides for compliance with rules
Note down any disqualified miles if they violate rules

Monthly Contest
Launch monthly contest and rules
Monitor contest participation
Engage with members participating
All contests will be run through Brand’s Facebook Group
Announce winner(s) at end of month, award prizes
Arrange delivery of prizes (via email)

Announce Quarterly Mileage rankings (based on monthly Audits)
Post rankings to website
Post rankings to Facebook Page
Post rankings to Facebook Group
Random drawing for prizes
Arrange delivery of prizes (via email)

If this sounds like the perfect job for you then reply to mkaza at tophorsetrails dot com to apply for this amazing opportunity. Please include samples of your writing and graphic design.


Company: Starseekr
Name: Micahlynn Kaza
