You will be researching and compiling a list UGC content creators from Tiktok US.
You will have specific parameters to follow and meet to make sure you are getting the type of creator we need and you will also be a part of our team!
Apart of this job is also the chance to earn more money on top of what you will already be paid. You will be apart of a group of 10 other co-workers all competing each week for a chance at more money.
The more creators you add to the list, the more money you can make currently we have a bonus of $100, $50 and $25 EACH WEEK for our top contributors.
If this is something you are interested in follow these next steps:
Let’s do a quick trial run.
I want you to find me 3 tiktok creators with these specific parameters:
– MUST be based in the USA
– 20k-250k followers (No more, No less)
– Have at least 30 recent videos|
– “recent” meaning posted in the last few months or so
– if their most recent video was posted over a year ago do NOT add them to the list
– Of their recent videos they should have roughly 5-10% of their followers as views on their videos
– Example #1 if someone has 100k followers and their recent videos only have 1k views here, 3k views there, 1k views there that is BAD and not good, do NOT add them to the list
– Example #2 if someone has 100k followers and their recent videos have 10k views here, 30k views there, that is GOOD!
– Example #3, if someone has 30k followers and their recent videos, have 1k views, 3k views, 2k views, 4k views, that is GOOD! as this is within their respective range of their following.
– These creators do not have to be in any specific niche just have the previous conditions met.
Once you have the 3 specific creators I want you to find their EMAILS associated with their tiktok accounts.
The emails are an absolutely necessary part of this step. And you may have to do a little digging to find it. Sometimes the emails will be linked right on there tiktok pages othertimes it will be in their Instagram that is linked. So you will have to follow the link to there Instagram account or youtube account and get there email from there.
Send me over tiktok creator link, first name, email.
Email your answers to:
I will be picking the quickest people to get back to this to start work ASAP.
This will be a long term position and we are looking for happy and confident people ready to get to work
Company: Forever After, LLC
Name: Daniel DeFeo