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Zapier Email Automation Expert Pipedrive Monday CRMs

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Job Description

Someone to advise on Zapier with our recruitment CRM (TrackerRMS) and Google Sheets, Gmail integration, Pipedrive / etc. Tracker RMS is compatible with Zapier.
Ideally we just want to enter data in a tab on PipeDrive (or Monday) and then our CRM will also update accordingly i.e. activity is tracked as call / email, etc with the relevant data.
Almost all of our outreach is email so someone who knows Pipedrive and Monday and able to advise on which is best for our needs.
For emails, ideally we want the ability to send a new email, during a sequence, to only certain people, for example:
A) Can I change the timing of an email sequence for different people?
Sequence is: Email 1 is sent on the 1st Monday in Month 1 to everyone, Email 2 goes out 1st Monday in Month 2, and so on.
If I talk to someone who is a new client and need to send them lots of data on me, can I then drop them into a sequence but have:

Email 1 sent the day I speak with them, email 2 sent 3 days after, then the sequence runs are normal from email 3 in sequence?
B) Can I drop a new email in an already running sequence and choose which people get it?
For example, 100 contacts received a generic sequence which is already set up and running as above.
I want to send a specific report to 20 of these people because they’re all in the Technology sector.
Can I introduce a new email just to these 20 people in the sequence and schedule on a day of my choosing?
Our basic sales process is very simple:
1) initial email outreach
2) Email Nurture campaign (if they respond)
3) Meet the client
We’re basically looking for a very easy and quick way to get emails to clients that we know, and clients where we have had no contact.
Looking for a fixed fee.
Happy to hear your views on how much this should cost after we speak.


Name: Bob Kondal
